Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Indonesia Sd Kelas 6 2013

Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Indonesia Sd Kelas 6 2013Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Indonesia Sd Kelas 6 2013


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Inggris Hari/ Tanggal: Kamis, 21 April 2011 Kelas: V (Enam) Waktu: 09.30-11.00 I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d! Is in south beach of West Java. Palabuhanratu b. Pulau Seribu d. Karang Tirta 2.

Pokemon Xd Der Dunkel Sturm Rom Download Gamecube Isos. Mid Java province borders West Java. One of the mountainous tourism objects in West Java is a. Banten Mosque b.

Carita Beach c. Pangandaran 4.

He is from france. He is foot ball player. Ronaldino d.David Bekham 5. “ Sekali-sekali “ in English.

Some where 6. “ Pantai “ in English. Beach 7..Indonesia location is in Asia. “ Candi “ in English. Hello my name... We can see the.. At the top of mountain..

I am writing on the.. Rina an assistant of the Doctor. Police Woman d. “Coconut” in Indonesia.

My father has toothache. He has to go to the.

Pangandaran 16. It is a.don't take any picture here a.swimming pool b. Park, restaurant c.

I want watching TV at.. Living room c.

Class room 18. “Pepper “ taste.. Hello my name... I use racket for a. Read the text! There are many public sings and warnings. For example “don’t litter”, “no smoking”, do not enter”, danger:, etc.

“don’t litter” means we must throw garbage into garbage can. Torrent Paint Shop Pro. ”No smoking” means that we can’t smoke. “Do not enter” means we can’t enter a place or a room.

We can find “danger”sign in building construction. That means we have to stay away from that area. We have to obey all those signs and warnings. Answer the questions based the text. What is the meaning of “don’t litter”?

What is the meaning of “no smoking”? What is the meaning of “ do not enter”? Where can we find “danger” sign? What should we do if we see it? Shoud we obey those signs? Read the text!

There are many public sings and warnings. For example “don’t litter”, “no smoking”, do not enter”, danger:, etc. “don’t litter” means we must throw garbage into garbage can.”No smoking” means that we can’t smoke. “Do not enter” means we can’t enter a place or a room. We can find “danger”sign in building construction.

That means we have to stay away from that area. We have to obey all those signs and warnings. Answer the questions based the text.

What is the meaning of “don’t litter”? What is the meaning of “no smoking”? What is the meaning of “ do not enter”? Where can we find “danger” sign?

What should we do if we see it? Shoud we obey those signs?