Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government In The Bible


“He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” Eph. 4:11,12 Sub-sections Church Government is determined by God’s Word Presbyterianism (the Biblical view) Prelacy Congregationalism and Independency Ministers, Teachers, Elders, Deacons and the Extraordinary Offices General Articles Alexander, Archibald –, HTML, no date or source info, 6 paragraphs Alexander, Archibald –, 1792, 40 pages Berkhof, Louis –, 1950, 21 paragraphs, from his Systematic Theology Dabney, Robert –, 1867, 16 pages For the other side of the argument, from a southern white pastor of black slaves, urging their capacity to rule as elders, see John L. Girardeau’s, 1867.

Girardeau’s position came to prevail and was enacted within a few years. Girardeau, John –, 1867, 18 pages Girardeau, a southern white pastor of black slaves, argues that blacks may be elders (governors) in church courts. For an exposition of what Girardeau is arguing against, see Robert Dabney’s, 1867, 16 pages. Girardeau’s position came to prevail and was enacted in the southern church a few years later. Download Lupin Iii 2014 Sub Indo Mp4. Hodge, Charles –, Re-typeset PDF, 1855, 80 pages Isbell, Sherman –, 2006, 12 pages Isbell describes the European understanding of a constitution and argues that a church’s constitution is inviolable and cannot be changed Miller, Samuel –, 1833, p.

Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government In The Bible

Browse and Read Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government Change your. Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government Manual of christian reformed church government tsgwebde, browse and read manual of christian reformed. As a Christian, you should not be. Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government Types. Manual Of Christian Reformed Church Government.

171, 42 pages Rutherford, Samuel –,, 1642, 20 pages, being chapter 20 of his A Peaceable and Temperate Plea for Paul’s Presbytery in Scotland Rutherford describes and defends from scripture the church government of the Church of Scotland in his day. It is an excellent, brief, overview and defense of a four office view of church government, the calling and ordination of office bearers, and the Scottish practice of the administration of the Lord’s Supper. It also has helpful articulations of Biblical views of days of fasting, marriage, offering, church censures, private and family worship and spiritual conferencing. Ladies Voting in the Church General Books Cunningham, William –, 1863, 565 pages Many people are aware of Bannerman’s Church of Christ, which positively expounds the doctrine of the Church from scripture. Cunningham’s work is more polemical, against the errors of alternative views. Both are needed. This is his main work on Church writings, a subject too often neglected in our day.

Hodge, Charles – 1878, 560 pages This and his Essays and Reviews are the main source for Hodge’s important and influential writings in church theory and practice, especially in the context of the 1800′s debates between the northern and southern presbyterians. In it you will find him defending the historic reformed view that the Roman Catholic Church is part of the Visible church, that her baptism is valid, and that baptized infants are under the discipline of the church. On the other hand he argues against the historic reformed view of the Establishment Principle for a Voluntary position with regard to Church and State, and for an Americanized three office view of church government. In his day the new issue came up of church boards, which he defends, as opposed to the more rigorously Biblical view of Thornwell against them. Many other interesting points of polity are also discussed. Miller, Samuel –, 1830, 558 pages. The Letters are systematically laid out in the table of contents starting with the testimony of scripture concerning church government, then the testimony of the history of the church, followed by the rise and progress of prelacy and its practical problems.

Miller became heavily involved in public debates about prelacy (top-down church government by bishops) due to the rise of the influence of Episcopalians in his area. This is must reading for a defense of presbyterianism from scripture and history, and for showing the Biblical and historical errors of episcopalian government. Install Configure Inadyn Config. Miller, Samuel –, 1833, 340 pages Miller, Samuel –, 1848, 308 pages Miller, Samuel –, 1840, 398 pages, by Samuel Miller Miller, Samuel –, HTML, 1840, 335 pages The best American book on the subject preserving the historic reformed view that the Ruling Elder is a distinct office from the Minister and that the Ruling Elder is also a “presbyter” (“elder” in the English) along with the Minister.