Keihin Cr Special Carburetor Tuning Manual Arts

Keihin Carburetor Adjustments

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Keihin Cr Carb Issues

>RaZOr, here. Mike- My bike bogs @ WOT off idle and right now I have 55 pilots, 125 mains and 230 slow air jets. Even @ 3200 RPM when I nail it, my bike burbles and bogs, but when I nail the throttle @ 5K the bike takes off like an RPG.

It is also hard to start, but once warm, it fires intantaneously. Any thoughts? Scojo Lick Of The Week Pdf Creator. Cheers- Jim, I think you need to reinstall the airbox to take full advantage of the iris effect.

Sorry, inside joke & thread drift. Was the 'razorfly' handle already taken on RAT? Start with a 0.020' shim under the needle.those carbs were too rich with the needle clip set on the 3rd slot, so they got leaned down to the 2nd slot (dyno'ed fine). Leave the pilots for now & see how that works for you. Like Mike said, the shortcomings of the simple-ass slide carb is rearing its ugly head.

Brian Bennett Band Rock Dreams Rar Download. No whacking it wide from low rpms w/o an accelerator pump. Roll it on like Mike S.

Starting.mine likes the choke with some throttle at temps under 50 and just some thottle when over 50F. These carbs are way sensitive to the air screw adjustment, so turning those in a bit may help both the off idle launch and cold starting. Cheers, MT Beemer Squeeze.

Depends on the changes you've made to your bike's intake and exhaust. If you've got an opened up intake & free flowing pipes, I can guarantee you that your bike goes way lean at WFO throttle with only a 115 main.

I was way lean with a 125 at WFO. My guess is that your bike ran like crap with the 60 pilot since it was way rich down low and on the needle. Where you set the clip on the needle has the biggest seat-of-the-pants effect on how the bike runs.

Jeremy Harmer Practice English Language Teaching 4th Edition. After my first EGA, I was running rich on the pilot & lean up top, but got the needle set correctly. The bike felt twice as strong as when I rode to the dyno with the needle 2 slots too rich. Take your bike to the exp-way and run her up on a clear need several seconds with the throttle held to the stop (i.e. Now close the throttle down a bit. If the bike picks up power, then you are too lean on the main jet. Regards, --Rich Actually my 115s sometimes are a tad rich. And was told I was too lean and try 118s or 120s.

Bike ran like sh!t. That's how I learned not to take carb advice from a forum. Wow, this thread really morphed into other things. Being the OP of this one, I'll relate some of what I have experienced since my original post. First, the cold start circuit on the CR's has a proclivity to not work. Ever since they were installed, just touching the CS lever on the carbs would kill the engine, no matter if it was not ridden for two weeks.

This has been experienced by more than a few folks who have these carbs. I tried to get information on why, from the vendor-they couldn't say, not a clue. I called SUDCO and asked how to be able to employ it, and was told to go down a size on the pilot jets. I found out later that the pilot jets HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COLD START CIRCUIT- it has it's own jet. I found this out when I had the bike dyno'd & tuned. Told me this. So he ordered every size jet for the CS circuit that is made.