Jelly Bean Game Diversity In The Workplace


Present the best diversity training activity ever! Diversity Jelly Beans are a great teaching tool, making diversity training fun and unforgettable!

Diversity BeansDiversity Jelly Bean Activity

Jelly Bean Personality Test Looking for a fun activity that will involve everyone at the start of a faculty meeting? Pass around a bowl of jelly beans and invite each staff person to choose one jelly bean. When every person has a jelly bean, invite the people who chose black or white jelly beans to stand up. Exe Apk Converter Download Free. Share with those people their personality traits based on the chart below. The chart is based on a study done at a major university, which reported on personality and administrative styles based on jelly bean selection. For the purpose of this activity, we will identify that administrative style as faculty meeting style.

As you share the traits on the chart, be sure to keep things light and fun. Jelly Bean Color Personality Traits Faculty Meeting Style White or Black This person • is highly structured and organized. • likes surroundings to be neat. • when given an assignment, wants to know how many pages, exact requirements. • always wants to know the rules. • memorizes things well. • cant stand sloppy, unorganized people.

• deliberates before making decisions. The white jelly bean person likes to controls the environment and likes a lot of praise. S/he is always trying to earn brownie points; gets reports in weeks before the deadline. The black jelly bean person smiles a lot, is enthusiastic and always playful.

In fact, s/he usually plays around at workshops, meetings, and conferences. Yellow This person • is not usually outspoken. • is always in a state of transition, whether s/he is 8 or 80. • is usually smart and innovative, often artistic.

• is sometimes confused when making decisions, unsure where theyre supposed to be. • is a hard worker. Samadhi The Superconsciousness Of The Future Pdf Files more. • is exciting to be with, will try anything so long as its safe. • is often spiritual. Maya 6 Serial Key.