How To Install Windows 7 On Asus Eee Pad Transformer

How To Install Windows 7 On Asus Eee Pad TransformerHow To Install Windows 7 On Asus Eee Pad Transformer

I would reinstall the TF101 driver and install the Android SDK drivers. Great Activity Nana Mizuki Rar File. This XDA post has some additional info. Jan 30, 2013 Will Windows 8 run on an ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF10?

Its not a matter of switching the chip set and redesigning it. Those articles are just plain wrong and off base.

It seems like they were just speculating based on other similar tablets being released at the time. The TF101 has an the Tegra 2 which is clearly a fact. All these articles mention completely different hardware. One of them even mentions a core i5. Simpleindex Serial Number Keygen. It is not possible with the hardware that is in the tablet to run any current version of Windows.

I promise there is not a TF101 somewhere running Windows 7, even internally at ASUS. Apparently reading comprehension is low here or many of you didn't actually read the article attached and just assumed by looking at the pictures. Pictures are not of the TF101, look at the placement of the mini HDMI vs the headphone jack. This is obviously a different model 2. Java Program To Calculate Mean Median Mode. CPU is claimed to be an Intel CULV model not a nVidia SOC of any kind. As previously stated there is no current Windows desktop version that will run on any type of ARM device, so the current TF won't/can't run windows.

Just because the headline is dated two months ago doesn't mean there is a working version, there seems to be just enough to send to the FCC for certification. Most likely a pre-production tablet used for testing and/or development, so yes they can swap internal parts and test to their hearts content. Just because we may wish it to be true doesn't make it so. If you really want an Asus tablet running Windows they already have the ASUS Eee Pad (Eee Slate) EP121-1A011M Intel Core i5.