Conditional Restoration Drivers License Nc 8776766

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Unlawful to drive while license revoked. The restoree of a revoked drivers license who operates a motor. For a conditional restoration under. Suspension, Revocation and Conditional Licenses. Your license will be suspended pending a DMV hearing which must be held within 15 days. At the conclusion of the revocation period, a person may apply to NC DMV to have his or her license restored. 20-7(i1) (imposing $100 restoration fee for person revoked under G.S. 20-17(a)(2)); G.S. 20-17.6 (imposing requirements for restoration of license following conviction of driving while impaired); G.S. 20-17.8 (imposing ignition.

Period of suspension or revocation; conditions of restoration. (a) When a license is suspended under subdivision (8) or (9) of G.S. 20-16(a), the period of suspension shall be in the discretion of the Division and for such time as it deems best for public safety but shall not exceed six months. (b) When a license is suspended under subdivision (10) of G.S. John Deere 3010 Serial Number Location. 20-16(a), the period of suspension shall be in the discretion of the Division and for such time as it deems best for public safety but shall not exceed a period of 12 months. (c) When a license is suspended under any other provision of this Article which does not specifically provide a period of suspension, the period of suspension shall be not more than one year. (c1) When a license is revoked under subdivision (2) of G.S.