Download Free Down And Up Mass Program Jim Stoppani Superman

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First of all, Program, nutrition and everything you need, can be found in the link. Some information about me: I'm 20 years old, I'm 6 feet tall and my current weight is 175 lbs. I've worked out for the last 3 years, but never really taken it serious but I decided that had to stop. I tried a couple of weeks of SS, but that didn't really fit me at all, so I wanted to go another route. I stumbled across this program and thought to myself 'Hey, why the hell not?'

As I was under the impression that I was under the spell that made it impossible for me to gain weight (yes, I was an ass.). I gained a total of 20 pounds, the most of them being gained in the first 8 weeks. I didn't gain weight for the last 4 weeks, this being due to me being an ass and worrying too much about gaining too much weight in such a small time. The numbers My DL went from 200 lbs to 260 lbs at 3 reps. My BP went from 135 lbs to 155 at 5 reps.

My squat went from 135 lbs to 180 lbs at 5 reps. Aside from my squat, I'm very pleased with such a progress in the time of only 3 months! My squat has always sucked, and I'm still really focusing on getting the form right all the time, instead of the weight being insanely high. The future I have yet to decide what I'm gonna do now. Keep bulking or cut the stomach fat away?

Muscle & Fitness Senior Science Editor Jim Stoppani keeps you in the. With the Superman training program. From being broken down by free. It's free to register here. Download and read online. Workout live up to the hype Read our review of Jim Stoppani. Jim stoppani superman workout program pdf.

Opinions are greatly appreciated from you,! P.S: I just want to give a big thank you to all for being my source of information in my journey so far. You guys rock! I'll be negative Nancy here, so here are the points I notice: • You're 6'0', 175lb. That's light for 6ft (depending on what your goal is obviously, but I'm guessing physique, based on your choice of program). • 20lb of weight in 8 weeks is mostly fat. You can expect to add around 2lb of lean muscle a month, at least when you are starting out.

Estimating very roughly, that's around 15lb of fat you've gained. • Your BP 5RM is less than your body weight. That really needs to change. What you did was follow a program and ate a shit ton. Anything you are going to follow at that point of your training is going to yield results. I think you could (and should) have invested your time in something more useful.

You don't have to do SS if you don't like it - but there are plenty of LP programs out there, such as GreySkull. Hell, even a P/P/L split is better than that. Sorry for not patting you on the back, but I mention the points with the best of intentions.

Henry Cavill and Mark Twight Putting the “Super” in Superman Henry Cavill worked with Mark Twight, a world-class climber who started Gym Jones in 2003. Gym Jones is an exclusive invite-only gym that trains athletes, military personnel, and well, superheroes. It’s best known for working with the cast and stunt crew of the movie “300” to whip them into the fighting shape worthy of a Spartan phalanx. Driver License Office In Miami Lakes Fl on this page. A recent quote from the website gives you an idea of Twight’s approach to training: “Gym Jones is not a cozy place. There are no televisions, no machines, no comfortable spot to sit. Effort and pain may not be avoided. Physical and psychological breakdowns occur.” Henry was already shredded from filming Immortals, but to don the cape, Henry Cavill had to bulk up and gain significant mass to fill the role of the Man of Steel.