The File Mapisvc Information

The File Mapisvc Information

I’ve tried using mfcmapi and I have one problem with it: when opening email message with 'Open Message' menu item, I get the Outloook form with 'Reply' button available. But when pressing reply, though, I get new form where 'Send' button is disabled!!??? Additionally, If I open email message with 'Execute Verb on Form' and try verbs 100, 102, 103, 104 or 107 – I always get the form with 'Send' button disabled!!??? I am using Outlook 2003. Is it a bug or some security feature of Outlook? Basically this ruins the usability of the 'open non modal' code that I am trying to reuse. Regards, Miro.

As you know, when you install a new provider on a system, you have to update to point it to the new provider. There are a few standard properties set during this configuration which tell MAPI where to find your DLL. One is PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME, set in the, and the other is PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME, set in the section.

Ultimate Unwrap 3d Serial. If you have any of the files related to MapiSvc on your system, please send them for additional analysis. Contact information for MapiSvc's vendor. Nov 16, 2007 Failure when writing to the log file. Health Careers Today 5th Edition Workbook. Unable to initialize the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service because the clocks on the client and on the. Jul 23, 2011 The MapiSvc.inf file acts as the central database for MAPI message service configuration information. MapiSvc.inf contains information about each of the message services installed on the workstation, information about the service providers that belong to each message service, and information about the MAPI subsystem.

For both properties, you are expected to set the name of your provider’s DLL (minus the “32” suffix'). MAPI will then load your provider by looking for it on the path. What if the path isn’t good enough? What if, like any other modern application, you want to drop your provider over in Program Files and not dirty the path? According to the MAPI documentation, you shouldn’t be able to do that. However, it turns out that, with a few restrictions, Outlook’s MAPI can deal with full paths to MAPI providers. Outlook development has agreed to support this for Outlook 2010 and higher.