The Betrayal Harold Pinter Pdf Viewer


Harold Pinter emerges from a survey of critical responses to his work as being at once the most praised and the most reviled of contemporary British playwrights. The present study is an attempt to shed some light on some of the problems confronting the reader of his works through approaching his plays as exemplars of the contemporary comic vision. Chapter 1 contains a survey of criticism on Pinter.

The Betrayal Harold Pinter Pdf Viewer

Critic ism of his work has to some• extent crystallized into certain trends or 'schools'. What emerges from a survey of twenty years' intensive critical activity is the fact that critical response to his work is as ambiguous and unsettled as ever. This is part of the motivation for the present study. In dealing with criticism of his work, then, the following broad categories may be isolated. Positive judgment has almost consistently centred on his undeniably effective manipulation of language. He is generally conceded to be a master craftsman of dramatic language with an acutely attuned ear for the nuances of speech.

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Strong negative criticism has centred on his being wilfully and arbitrarily obscure. This characteristic can also be interpreted as ambiguity or complexity. A number of critics have sought to deal with the bafflingly ambiguous nature of the plays by resorting to myth and ritual as aids to understanding.

There has also been some concern with the significance of Pinter's Jewish descent. Far from regarding Pinter as esoteric and complex, some critics have maintained that his work is purely realistic, even naturalistic. This realism, however, is of a particular type which induces a sense of dislocation in the audience, and which has also induced a number of critics to regard Pinter as an exponent of the Absurd school.

A certain sense of reservation has been noted regarding the lack of moral vision in his work (particularly as regards The Homecoming). A promising area of critical concern has been the concern with Pinter's comic vision. It was illustrated that while many critics have indicated areas of comic appeal in his work, no single and exhaustive study of Pinter ' s comic vision has yet been undertaken. The aims formulated at the end of this chapter then are: The formulation of a contemporary theory of comedy, inductively developed; and the application of this definition to (a) Pinter's six full-length plays; and (b) the two short television plays (The Collection and The Lover). Chapter 2 deals with the justification for dealing seriously with generic distinctions.

It is suggested that the playwright reveals his vision of life and the world most clearly in imbuing it with a sense of either tragedy or comedy. The study of genre is thus an important aid, a way into the play. In spite of newer terms being invented, it is decided to adhere to the term comedy, without resorting to any qualifying adjectives. Comedy is to be regarded as a mirror of the times, thus a new definition is needed for each new age: the permanent ways of comedy remain, while the variable superstructure is adapted to the changing needs of the times. Chapter 3 contains a detailed examination and evaluation of comic theory. The difficulties facing the theorist of comedy are analysed and the field of investigation narrowed down to comic drama.