Star Rating Jquery Download


Is a tiny and flexible jQuery star rating plugin, it uses SVG to render rating, so no images required. Just create a, throw some styles, initialize and thats it! Hover to change the rating and Click to set.? Download V2.3.2. You can set this option using data-rateyo-star-width attribute? JQuery Star Rating Plugin v4.11 (2013. JQuery.Rating.css; delete.gif; star.gif. Are advised to use the links above and download the files from Google Code. It is a very flexible jQuery plugin for quickly creating an AJAX star rating system. It is possible to configure every detail from” the number of the stars” to “if the stars can represent decimals or not”. A basic, yet flexible star rate jQuery plugin, using SVG. Features: • Doesn't use external images • Customize size • Customize colors • Use half or full stars • Choose the number of stars to be displayed • Define gradient color of selected stars • Specify a border/stroke thickness and color • Specify initial rating via options or markup data attribute • Execute callback after rating (ex.

To notify a server) • onHover and onLeave events • Locked / Read-only mode • Unload option • Change star shape (rounded or straight) • Resize stars demo For a working demo, see: Usage • Include jQuery. // unload/destroy example $( 'your-selector '). StarRating( 'unload ') // set rating example $( 'your-selector '). StarRating( 'setRating ', 2.5) // set rating and round $( 'your-selector ').

StarRating( 'setRating ', 2.8, true) // 3.0 // get rating example $( 'your-selector '). StarRating( 'getRating ') // resize $( 'your-selector '). StarRating( 'resize ', 50) // disable/enable stars manually $( '.your-selector '). StarRating( 'setReadOnly ', true); Callbacks name arguments description callback rating, DOM element Executes when selecting a rate.

Star Rating Jquery DownloadJquery Star Rating Plugin Download

Can anyone suggest a simple JQuery five star rating script that is easy to setup. Download Chobits English Dub Free. I just need a single instance on a single page.

I don't care if it writes to a file or mysql database to calculate rating average. It should display the number of votes and the calculated average. It should also check if the person has already rated or should not allow more than 2 ratings at a time. Should have cookies or sessions to prevent multiple ratings or some other mechanism. I don't care if its free or cost money but the licensing should allow me to use it in commercial applications. Appreciate all suggestions!

I spent a couple of day trying different scripts online but have not found anything that was actually complete. I've for, so I've evaluated all the 11 jQuery rating plugins listed, and the winner is, by far,. Fast, Progressive enhancement, touch support, customizable (just swap out the images, or change some CSS), Unobtrusive JavaScript (using HTML5 data-* attributes), RTL support, supports as many stars as you'd like, and also any step size. Minified size: 4.35KB (1. Conex Flip Jack Fj 700 Manually on this page. 55KB when gzipped).