Lindsay Lohan


Joss Whedon’s “Batgirl” movie is still happening, supposedly. There hasn’t been any change in status for the project in the wake of the disappointing box office take and critical reception for “Justice League,” which Whedon reworked significantly in the months before it was released in November.

It’d be fair, really, to say there’s been no news of note, period, about the “Batgirl” movie since. No news about casting. No news about what, if any particular comic book version of Batgirl’s origin that the film would be adapting. Mego Games Obsession Rules Ghillie. It’s just a quiet project in development right now. It would make sense, then, that any number of actresses would be seeking out the role. Female-led superhero movies are few and far between even now, in the age of “Wonder Woman” being the biggest superhero movie of 2017. And, on Twitter Saturday, one perhaps surprising actress threw her hat in the ring: “Mean Girls” star Lindsay Lohan.

Reserve Health Readiness Program Phase there. “RT if I should star in the new BATGIRL movie and everyone tell @joss,” Lohan tweeted, punctuating it with a kissy face emoji. The tweet is vague enough that it’s possible Lohan is just campaigning for any starring role in “Batgirl” rather than the title role itself. But more likely she’s pursuing playing Barbara Gordon herself, since the only characters we could safely bet on being in the movie at this stage would be Barbara/Batgirl, her father Jim Gordon and Batman himself. A lot of folks would scoff at Lohan in the role, but few superhero roles are cast without some kind of uproar from fans who hate the casting. Like, pretty much everyone was super mad when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker in “The Dark Knight,” and then he ended up giving a fan-favorite performance and even winning an Oscar for it.

Lindsay Lohan